Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Golden Ticket!!

I started on a weekly update for Monday then time got away from me, and I didn't end up completing it. So...I hope this makes up for my lack of posting lately: )


This means that our COMPLETE dossier should be in our facilitator's hands by the middle of next week!! We actually received our approval on Monday, but just found out today when I called to check the status of our case. I should receive the golden ticket in the mail tomorrow. It looks like we'll be making a trip to the capital to get this and one other document apostilled and get them sent over to E's country. When the lady on the phone told me, I was literally speechless (if you know me in person, this is a rarity for sure, lol) and she had to repeat it! We are so thankful to God for this blessing and are continually in awe of His provision for these children and their forever families since our journey started!

The next step is to get these docs over to her country of birth and wait for a travel date!! We're hoping for March, but we'll see what the Lord's timing is for our trip. We are so excited to meet her, snuggle her, and love on her!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!


  1. Praise God! What joyous news. We're so excited for you guys.

  2. So exciting! Can't wait to follow along these next 2-3 months! God's timing is perfect.
