Thursday, February 23, 2012

Garage Sale and Travel Date Update

The first day of our garage sale is done and we had a pretty good turnout. It started out really slow and we actually thought we might not have much traffic, but it started to pick up throughout the day. The weather was nice with a strong breeze and quite sunny toward the end. When we were getting ready to pack everything up, there was still so much left that we thought not much had sold. After moving it back into the garage, we realized there was a lot more space in the garage than before the sale. So, I guess we did sell a good amount!

We're doing it all over again tomorrow with the help of some WONDERFUL friends and my mother-in-law, who so kindly, without complaint, has helped in any way needed throughout this entire process! We're so blessed to have family and friends walking with us as we work to bring our Elizabeth Joy home. She is already so loved by these precious people who so willingly sacrifice their time and money to help us! They get it - they understand why it is worth our time, effort, and money to work toward this awesome thing called adoption!

Now the moment you've all been waiting for...we didn't get our travel date today: ( But, we were informed on when we should be getting our date and should expect to be in country. I was disappointed when I found out, but thankful for the update from the team in country so we wouldn't be waiting each day, hoping for a phone call. It looks like we should be getting that wonderful call next Thursday and expect to be in country sometime around or just after March 15th. It's only a few days later than we originally expected and this gives us a little more time to get things done. I want to see and hold our baby girl more than I can tell you!! PLEASE pray for us as we wait and for E that she's doing well and being loved on while we wait!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say (a belated) thank you for posting about the travel date! I was wondering and it was killing me not to get on facebook to check.
