Saturday, March 3, 2012

Aaaand Cut...That's a Wrap!

My garage sale days are officially over for a while! Our neighborhood had their community wide garage sale today and we decided to set up and try to sell what we had leftover from last weekend. Overall it was good. More stuff sold + adding to our adoption fund = Success!

A few very dear friends came to help and we had a great time of fellowship, so all in all, it was a good day!
(Emily on the left, me in the middle, and Lynn on the right)

This amazing girl (holding her most adorable baby sister) helped organize the seemingly ever-growing mess pile of clothes without one complaint today! She along with some other great kids who belong to these lovely ladies above came and spent their time helping me sort, organize, unload and pack up last weekend and today. Thank you to each one of you, we couldn't have had such a successful sale without all of your help! With YOUR help, we were able to raise money to help us bring our baby girl home: )

Isn't this a precious sign?! The wonderfully talented Emily made it so people could see why we were doing the garage sale and who they were helping. And now the sign is actually taped to E's crib in the the girls' room, thanks to our daughter who can hardly wait until her baby sister is home: )

We raised more than enough to buy 2 roundtrip plane tickets!! We are so thankful for all of the donations, help, and money raised these last 2 weekends!! I can't tell you how grateful we are to have the love and support of so many - so THANK YOU again to everyone who was involved!


  1. Awesome!!

    Nikki - blog design to support special needs orphans in India

  2. So glad you were able to raise some funds! Icredible!

    I just wanted to say that you're family is an inspiration. My husband and i just got married and down the road I would love to adopt. What a blessing you all are, your blog is so encouraging! I have my own business and would love to try and help you with some fundraising if I could? You can email me at
